No more offline music...
I loved this app until the new update came along. Why can't we play music offline anymore?? That was one of the main reasons I had this app in the first place, because I'm an already broke college student I can't pay for data and I have to walk to my classes so it was very nice to just block out everyone and listen to my music and now it's gone...
Please fix this, this was the only good app on the Applestore that could play music offline.
moni9087 commented
The new update did no good. With the video playing every song is slows down the app and I only downloaded the app because it had offline access. Very disappointed.
sapphireblue commented
My screen turned black! I can't even play music online or offline!!! This starting happening after the update! I really love this app. Please fix it.
nathal.yy commented
Offline music back please. )); Music if life. This is like the greatest app that I've had about music. And It's starting not to be. Please go back to how it was.
HfE0EcpTC9j5GIf8wjKz9jOKB commented
I have been using this app for the past year and what an awesome year it was. But now it no longer has wifi and I'm eating my 3 tiny gb's of data. You have lost yet another customer, I had stuck with you finding ways around bugs and what not. Once I get a message back from technical support I am deleting this app I will be looking elsewhere and will probably buy myself a new iPod. Thanks but no thanks I am disappointed and crushed I used to love this app but not anymore!
reyes_ceci20 commented
Change it back please it was better before
USMC commented
I will delete this app if YOU don't change it back!!!!!!!!
USMC commented
why no more offline !!!
what about the people that has an IPod???
it was better before -
animepsycho commented
I can't play off line any more
curlybomb commented
The music loads so slow now. I dont want the video and i like having my music playing when im on the subway. This is ridamndiculous
baby.g143 commented
now you have to watch the video when i dont want to and when you exit out the app sometimes the music stops playing and this app is starting to make me mad.
brady_bitw commented
Yeah what the hell guys ever since iTube went down you guys were my replacement now it looks likes you too have failed me.
Abu 3askar Jr. commented
Theres no more apps that you can download free songs anymore!!!!! Its all about the money and thats do stupid
RaginBlasian commented
My boy sometimes the rules has to be broken please fix this
lis99 commented
I'm deleting it if it doesn't change
lolpanda commented
F**k this if they don't change it back
stooges3 commented
What happened? Used to be good
chrisbliss1017 commented
Who thought it would be a smart idea to change offline music? Idiotic part of the update. PLEASE CHANGE IT!!!
seay shelay commented
Why did they do this
j48XeXpmcfGfH2OJfEeKTsZQC commented
Plz fix it omg
L75PfevCiX85ZpIxQQm6e2LTf commented
Its a Shit