Playback error?
It doesn't let me listen to any song I search or download, it says playback error for all of them. How do I fix this??
Camilla Plumley commented
Playback error on everything this sucks
WONDERPETS commented
It wont play anything it just says playback error
How do you fix it
quCc3UZkOanRBDMCk47b6OFyd commented
Wtf it's not letting me listen to music, it keeps saying "Playback error". ):
keighleyhopkins commented
It is stupid
CGrace commented
I just won't do anything stupid app
jaipilla commented
It's not working for me
omflyassmaria commented
It won't let me and I can't say it's the wifi but clearly it blocked me from listen to music and I barely got the app and yes I know how to use it
DaddyShay commented
Same here
captdad commented
App doesn't want to play the songs it locks up
caramelapple145 commented
When I download some songs they don't play
piercetheveil commented
It is getting on my nerves
qyCs8qaHHGPBSCdNmlt92j7WA commented
Same, it doesn't let me listen to it nor does it let me listen to the one that is already download
hbenj19 commented
I press the heart but it just turns white after? what to do?
blakelevrets9 commented
Bc m. I. The g him nviiviviigvvuu if. B fttdtivdY. Yrah v d. Fredc
blakelevrets9 commented
37viguVuYCPCJDcYzWhyzihLS commented
enriqueoro21 commented
Lol same here peeps .sometimes music does not play
KAMINA BRO commented
It annoying
cameronlee30 commented
same, all the songs that are downloaded work fine, but this is really bothering me.