I don't know why but when I try to add a playlist, none of the music shows up or plays. It says I have songs though. Help? Please and thank you:>
17jqEMp8BMNKtr8lBVo6DjR2w commented
I can’t find my playlist anywhere?! Where do you go to find your playlist?!!
Johnathan commented
Having the same problem ! I just want to know the name of my song so I can transfer them
JGiselle2000 commented
Having the same problem!
lauraRodriguez666 commented
Where is it ?
lauraRodriguez666 commented
My play list disappear
lauraRodriguez666 commented
I log out of my account and when I try to log in again all my music desapear ! I want my music back
Ylhky5oixrd66Om7wpnIzM0ob commented
I'm trying just to actually know the songs on my playlist so I can transfer them or something, PLEASE FIX ASAP! Like I can open the playlist but it's just blank or just has the buffering symbol on. I have over 150 songs on my playlist please fix
IlnbbyOK0skLhfth5ClTaMH8P commented
I loved this app and now all of my songs are gone out of nowhere. Please help.
karleighmadison02 commented
All the songs on my playlist are not showing up:(
mkiller93 commented
Same thing is happening to me So we have a place with all the right questions but no answers or no way to fix it this is great
tori24 commented
Same thing happen and I try deleting the app and nothing worked. I just want my music
sydthakidd commented
my playlist isn't popping up !? wth , please help i have a lot of songs that i love
Kaya123 commented
Where's my playlist
Ylhky5oixrd66Om7wpnIzM0ob commented
I'm having the same problem wtf
xo_ashu_xo commented
This happening to me
queen_bibi712 commented
This happen to me to and it's the playlist I listen to the most and I can't listen to it anymore because it just shows the number and the playlist but when I press the playlist it's blank
socorro_torres_ commented
mine shows it and the amount of songs but then I click on it and it's just blank
dY6q98nUmDwEEPuzAx8BwxGop commented
Has anyone received any feedback on this?
boot commented
Yeas this is happing to me too and it's making me really nervous help please
Anonymous commented
mine is doing this, does it mean that i need to make another playlist