My favorites won't play offline anymore
All of a sudden my music that I had previously favorited and had been able to play offline many many time before, won't play anymore. Go online, it plays. Go offline it won't. The heart is green too. I just don't get it. And the same goes for new songs that I download, this app just doesn't really work anymore. I use this app to listen to music all the time going to school and practice, and I don't have the ability to use data all of the time. This really is quite frustrating, please fix. Thank you
its__kib commented
Same with me
smile9301 commented
ericagtz commented
I used it on my iPod 6 and it worked offline and perfectly but for Christmas I got an iPhone 7 and when I went to the App Store to download this app it wasn't there until they finally added the new update and now it won't let me play offline and it won't let me play music when my phone is turned off
smile9301 commented
Anonymous commented
Why happened I use to brag about this app to everyone now it won't let u even listen to it offline wtf!!!
amyilyenkoo commented
Please fix this
luluX2 commented
Time to delete this app
lunawolf commented
Yeah this also used to happen to me