I can't login at all
I clicked sign in with Facebook but the app didn't say I was signed in
Tim Fields commented
Became logged out and now I get code:1 internal server error when signing in
Allana commented
Please help me login
Justin commented
I have id also i change my password keep sars verified my email bur doesn't ckme
v0ylM6hB3Tky6cEAA7TGga2z4 commented
Sup bro
Luke Wilson commented
I keep trying to log in but when I try I tells me to put my birthday in so I do and it says I’m not eligible to sign up
Kaitlin commented
Keeps saying account not correct please fix this no one can find my musically account
Anonymous commented
I tried like 20 different usernames and passwords and it STILL won’t work wtfluff??!!
avaroberts commented
I couldn't login either so I deleted it for a couple days and then downloaded it back and it let me login. Hope this helps. ;)
ingramb21 commented
It wont let me log on
dilitova commented
noodles630 commented
I can't login an I use this app daily it logged me out an now it won't let me get back on pls help me
Katie commented
Sucks can't login either
Gabbylynette commented
I thought I was the only one who couldn't login, but I guess not. This is ridiculous.
Niyahsimone commented
I can't login and all of my information is correct. Please fix this problem ASAP!
mero360 commented
I can't login
QueenMaverion commented
I can't login either wtf??
Like, first the tabs on top (❤️, Playlists, & Recent) weren't showing, so I decided to logout and then log back in, but it didn't work
Then, I deleted the app, re-downloaded it, and tried logging in again, but surprise! It still wouldn't let me log in!!
And clearly, I'm not the only one with this problem.
Oy, Trending, fix yo selves -
brookheilman87 commented
Yes I cant login either pleeeeeaaaaase fix it I love the music I saved I want to listen to it
Gabby commented
I CANT LOGIN!!! It's not working at all!! Please fix this!!! I'm getting really annoyed and upset!!!! I'm about to go on a trip and I have unlimited data so I need this PLEASE!!?? Thank you
Anonymous commented
I'm getting upset. I have an account but it won't let me log in. I also tried to make a new account but it tells me wrong format. What is going on?
Jennifer commented
Why isn't trending working!!! Please help and fix it please :'(((((