My music won’t play at all. Help
Maddi O'Brien commented
I KNOW. Literally I click on a song and it completely glitches out
kooldude62952 commented
When this happens to me I just shut my phone off by holding the power button and turn it back on and then the music will start working
JwpNzk6RNMQvr7pBkWS2oIuEs commented
Why doesnt it work anymore? I mean i try to download a music n it wont play at all
Anonymous commented
johnmsalinas commented
Download Musi from the App Store. You don’t have the issues there like with Trending
Cassandra Gagnon commented
my music is mot playing AT ALL fix it please
0F4INHC0fyH1jjeiu3Y4fFWUH commented
Amina commented
Shandeena commented
This app sucks.
Talon_03 commented
My music video will not load at all it is only online is when it will load
trapstar__tee commented
Try going to settings and turning off “audio only” sometimes the video has to play, you should be app to listen of the app
vmarly.9 commented
Mines stopped working!!!
- commented
Why did it just randomly stop playing????
Jackielove1207 commented
Omg it not going yet
9f88ycTqgrffltlJM66IQ3zAP commented
People update the app!! ✨
pewdiepie111 commented
leslie_reyes commented
Same here
nicholemonn commented
Mine want work it was fine before I updated
QveenNaay commented
My music wont play !!!! started to become disgusted with this app
Breanna852 commented
My music won’t play or anything ! I think it’s the update because it was working before I updated it