Deleted music
I tried to delete one song and now more than half of my music is gone. I’ve tried closing and reopening the app and still nothing.
Anonymous commented
It deleted my music and it doesn’t let me login anymore
Anonymous commented
It deleted my music and after it logged my account out and it won’t let me back In so I lost my account and music
Anonymous commented
What is going on with it
Shahi commented
i699S1fVteutEAOkNzwEWgxfF commented
Yes that’s is true my songs gets deleted and I get very mad because they delete
isabella136 commented
Refresh your stuff it should all appear. To refresh go to the top and swipe up. Happens to me all the time.
Ohood commented
jesus jimenez commented
How can we fix this??? I add a song and the bottom ones delete?!! Please solve this problem
iyannabstn commented
So are you guys going to fix it ?
alexis1008d commented
Update the app and they will reappear
alexis1008d commented
My songs are gone !!!
DOERus commented
Fuck man just fix the damm problem it’s stupid that it’s deleting all the music
Maddie_grayse commented
When I add a song the one at the bottom deletes
R9Fx9uWsF6bQjFeHEg1hprZAF commented
I’m really disappointed because I thought I could trust this app but every month there’s a new problem and getting my songs deleted is just too much. Please try to fix this problem.
- commented
i got on here one day and then like most of my music just disappeared.
Kavo337 commented
Yea then when I like a song other song got deleted
alaisa.martinez commented
I hope this issue gets fixed because you guys have been having lots of malfunctions. Half of my song are song and when I add a new song I get songs deleted.
Qvoqz- commented
Most of my music just deleted for no reason
adorenaa commented
Most of my music is gone, will this problem be solved?
EzraYsco commented
Exactly what’s been happening to me